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Siara Bates
Recent news​
Siara Bates October 2012
Welcome to my brand new site where I have some of my photography posted for viewing, a brief about me, my photography resume and contact information!

New Section Added
Siara Bates September 2013
I've added a seperate tab to the site for all my concert photography. The concert names drop down when you mouse over the link on the top of the page but if you click on it, it takes you to a master list which includes the concert names and dates.
I also haven't updated this in almost a year til right now, but I'd like to change that since I'm graduating this coming May and would really like to build my concert photography resume as well as still shooting landscapes, animals, etc. on my own time to share with people who visit my site.
Adventures: I Met Ry Doon from Vine!
Siara Bates October 2013
This was actually just about a month ago and I'm going to see him again in a couple days, but on Wednesday September 11th, 2013, I adventured down to the Shaskeen Pub in Manchester, NH because I heard that one of my favorite Vine stars, Ry Doon was going to be there! Now, if you don't know what Vine is, it's an Android/iPhone app where you can make videos up to 7 seconds and they loop. For the most part, you view the videos on the app, but for those who can't (which I understand, I JUST got my first smartphone in August!) you can see Ry's here.
Anyways, I got to see him do some stand-up comedy, which is his main career goal and I say, he has the potential! He definitely could make it someday. I got to talk to him after and he's a super nice guy and he's so appreciative of any and all support he receives. I also gave him my business card so maybe someday once he's more established in the comedy world, I could do his headshots and whatnot. So if you're reading Ry, HI! :D
To see what Ry is up to, follow him on twitter!

Adventures: I Met Ry Doon from Vine! Again!
Siara Bates October 2013
I went to go see Ry again, same place, same time, same awesome dude. He did amazing and got such an amazing response from the crowd. I was just so happy for him, after all the hard work he continuously puts into making stand up comedy his life. After his set (He got to do a much longer set than the previous time!), we got to hang out for a little while, talk comedy, talk about Vine and other Viners and his cat, Ralph. We took pictures, of course, but he made the same exact face as the time before even though he tried not too. So then he also did his "Christopher Cross 'Sailing' Creep Face" from his early Vine days and then we became best friends, so says Ry.
As always, you can see Ry's Vines using the Vine app for iPhone and Android or here. To see what Ry is up to, follow him on twitter!

Adventures: I Met David Cook! Again!
Siara Bates March 2014
I haven't posted in a while because it's my senior year and so much is happening so quickly, as it is, this concert happened back in November but I couldn't NOT talk about it! You can view the pictures from the show here.
Anyways, I'll keep it short. I got the opportunity to see David Cook perform again after about 5 years. Anyone who knows me knows that he is probably my favorite musician of all time and one of the most important people to me. I met him back when I was 16 on the Idol tour and never thought for a second it would happen again. But it did! He played at the Blue Ocean Music Hall in Salisbury, MA which is a nice place, I'd definitely go back there for a show. Thank you again David for doing what you do and overall just being a really good person.

Please help my friends!
Siara Bates March 2014
My friends band, blindspot, is up for an opportunity to play in this summer's Vans Warped Tour but it's up to us to vote for them and get their buzzrate percentage to at least 90% or higher! Voting is free and there's no signing up for anything you just enter your email address and you can even uncheck the box so they won't bother you after! Also, listening to the songs they have listed on the page and watching the videos they have will help raise the percentage, and of course sharing the link with more people is always a plus!
To vote for my friends band blindspot, click here
To view their official facebook page, click here
It's Been a While...Again
Siara Bates August 2014
Since the last time I made a post I have- Graduated from NHIA with my Bachelor's in Fine Arts, Started working at a summer camp for the Town of Windsor, finished working at said summer camp as of yesterday, got the opportunity to shoot the Vans Warped Tour in July with a press and photo pass thanks to a very awesome friend and Local Band Review, finally started using the Sigma 70-300mm lens I got for Christmas and it was the best thing I've ever gotten, some guy at Best Buy just gave me a second battery for my camera for no charge, I did photography for a very nice and very beautiful family's daughter's 1st Birthday party and now I am currently back to looking for full time work since the summer camp ended and I am finished with school and won't be moving back to the dorms any longer. If anyone has any leads on any kind of full time work, photography related or not, please let me know! Send me an email at
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